Triple Threat Moves:
Neutral Defense with Driving Lane Open
You have the ball on offense and the defender is in neutral position, arm's-length away. You see an opening to drive to the A) weak-side or B) strong-side.
What is your solution? I'll introduce you to two possible solutions,but you are welcome to use your own. My solutions are ones that have worked for me, and yours may be different.
Possible Solutions (Coach Kamil's Favorite Solutions)
A) Weak-side opens up for a drive then a possible solution can be a: jab-step to drive to the weak-side.
B) Strong-side opens up for a drive then a possible solution can be a: sweep & go
OR a knee-to-knee
1v0 Drills to Practice your Solution
1) Setup cones that are mimicking where your defender's feet would be if they were in a defensive stance, at arm's length away.
Perform your jab-step and then 1-2 dribbles after you pass the cones, walk back to repeat the next rep.
Perform 10 reps of this and then rest. You want to focus on speed & power, so keep rep levels around 10, with plenty of rest. Perform 3 sets of each: A) weak-side and B) strong-side.
2) Beat Lebron 1v0 with Triple Threat Moves. Play to 10 points, when you make the shot, you get the points and when you miss the shot Lebron gets the points. (6 sets total)
3) Use the Decision App to randomize your moves. Go to: and perform add your 2 exercises and then randomize them in the workout. 10 reps and then rest.
Strength Work
To get faster and stronger at this movement, you can perform these moves by adding more load to your body (5-10lbs) and performing 3 sets of 8 reps for weak-side drive and then strong-side drive. (6 total sets)
Possible ways to add more load to your body:
6-7lb weight dumbbell or med-ball
5-10lb weight-vest
Resistance band tied around your hips with a partner holding the band. I you're solo, then wrap the band around a heavy machine and perform them by yourself.
Perform a 4 ft jump in one direction and then propel your body in the opposite direction
1v1 Drills
1) Play 1v1 out of Triple Threat with your friends. Give yourself only a single triple threat move to beat the defender, and not many jabs.
In other words, you can only perform a jab OR a knee-to-knee, and then HAVE to drive.
2) Play "32" out of Triple Threat and make sure there are less 5 players, so that it's worth your time and you're getting many possessions.
3) Play "1v1 Bursts" where you play offense for an entire minute, and the defenders rotate in. Then after a minute, a new offense comes on.