Acceleration workout for basketball

directions for acceleration:

  1. warm-up for acceleration

You can find some examples and inspiration on our Dynamic Warm-up page, and warm-up for 10-20 minutes. You can also warm-up by performing basketball drills for most effectiveness.

  1. speed-work for acceleration

These exercises will be similar to the explosive exercises, but without resistance.  You actually may want to add assistance exercises in this portion.  Again, the speed work should follow the speed principles for maximum benefit.  

Working on speed means that you shouldn't have a high number of repetitions. The speed part should be roughly 2-4 sets and 5-8 reps in each set. At the higher end, don't do anything more than 4 sets and 10 reps (40 total reps). 

  1. EXPLOSIVE WORK for acceleration

Select 2-4 exercises from below and perform 2-4 sets and 4-6 reps.

Drill 1: One, Two, Three Stride Breakdown

Drill 2: 10m Sprint

Drill 3: 20m Sprint or 3/4 Court Sprint (max speed)

Drill 4: First-step Med Ball Throws

Drill 5: Shock Plyos Acceleration & Isometrics (Depth Jump)

Drill 6: Heavy Sled Push

Drill 7: Sprint Up Low-Incline Hill or Up Stairs

Drill 8: 10m Race from a Push-up Position

Drill 9: Float/Skate Dribble into 3-step acceleration

  1. REACTIVE WORK for acceleration

Description: You can add a reactive component with a partner or a coach that signals when to go. You can add ball drops where the player has to sprint and catch it off the coach's drop.

  1. STRENGTH WORK for acceleration:

Finally, you can move on to strength work.  This can be on a separate day from the other work.

Ankle Strength:

Leg Strength:

Posterior Strength:

Core Strength:


Working on speed & acceleration is a must when it comes to basketball.