sprint Warm-Up
A-Series Sprint Warm-Up (10-20 yards, 10 minutes)
March through A pattern
Stand tall & drive the knee up, toe up.
Pause at the top to hold the position
Focus on arm drive
Skipping through movement: LLRRLLRR
3 Hop
This is a hopping pattern that emphasizes holding the position while in a dynamic motion
Pattern is R R R L L L R R R
1-2 Pause
Patter is R L R and Pause on that leg, then L R L and Pause on that leg
Focus is on holding position on pauses. Arm and leg action remains the same as previous movements.
A Run
Focus on front-side mechanics: Arm Action, Shoulder Position being relaxed, Torso Angle, Hip Flexion, Knee Drive, Leg Extension
Cue: "Focus on stepping over the opposite knee."
Stand tall and drive the knee up and toe up.
Focus on arm drive.
Apply the same patterns as above but in lateral fashion. Focus should be to not cross the feet over each other.
Apply the same patterns as above but inbackwards fashion.
Build-Ups to Sprinting
Entry-level progression to acceleration, and eventually full-speed sprinting. Try to gain speed with every step until you've reached your distance.
A bulidup to 20 yards will be a fairly low intensity run. However, setting a distance of 40-50 yards would greatly increase the intensity, as athletes would easily come close to full speed at the full distance.
ABC Running Drills
Here is a phenomenal video on ABC running Drills for Ballistic and Plyometric. Many of the exercises listed above have been pulled from this video.