How to master the triple threat - for youths

As a youth player, you need to stay focused and have a focused practice instead of doing every new drill that appears on IG or TikTok. When playing basketball, you are faced with 4 problems out of the triple threat when trying to drive to the hoop, so you need 4 solutions. 

They can be anything, but realize that you only need four at the Youth level to start. A solution for: 

Again, these can be any moves that work for you, but you should practice how to solve these 4 different problems that arise every game. 

Here are possible solutions for a right handed player, just master one for each (invert them for lefties): 

Ball on left hip, drive right:

 - Sweep

 - Knee-Knee

 - Rocker Step (Rondo)

 - Jordan Pivot 

Ball on left hip, drive left:

 - Jab Step/Fake Rip

 - Jab Crossover

 - Load Step

 - Two Touch Jab & Go

Ball on right hip, drive right:

 - Jab and Go

 - Weak-knee Rip/Jab (Weak Side) (ie. Ball on right Hip, then jab to left knee & drive right)

 - Trunk Twist & Go

 - Trunk Twist & Wrap 

Ball on right hip, drive left:

 - Trunk Twist Crossover

 - Jab Crossover

Ball on left-hip, drive left (for right-handed players):

Ball on left-hip, drive right (for righties):