Strength Warm-Up
A warm-up that combines strength and warming-up on a daily basis. To keep things fresh, you can vary which sections you do. Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Some of the exercises can be split into 2 sets of 30 seconds. Our strength warm-up lasts 12 minutes (4 sections of 3 minutes each)
You are required to perform the following:
Perform First Section to increase Body Temperature (Choose 3 exercises)
Based on how much time you have for the warm-up, choose 2-4 sections from the strength sections, and select 3 exercises from each section, if it has more than 3 exercises.
Perform Last Explosive Section to prepare body for high impact (Choose 3 exercises)
Increase Body Temperature
(Perform First)
(Perform First)
Large Space Available
Backwards Jogging
Carioca Lateral
Forward Jogging
Bear Crawls
Inch Worm Moving
Small Space Available
Snap Down
Hurdle Movement (Over/Over/Under/ Under)
Jumping Jacks
Squats (30sec) / Lunges (30sec)
Mountain Climbers
Upward & Downard dog
Upper Body Strength
Push-Ups (Tempo: 3 seconds on way down, 3 seconds hold at bottom)
WY Super-man Raise (Hold for 3-seconds per rep)
Reverse Push-Up
Lower extremities Strength (Ankle)
Straight-Leg Calf Raises (Advanced: Single-leg for 30 seconds)
Shin Raises (Tibialis Raise) [Hold for 3 seconds up top]
Bent-Leg Calf Raises (Advanced: Single-leg for 30 seconds)
Lower Body Strength (Knee)
Split Squat Hold (Left Leg, 1-minute)
Split Squat Hold (Right Leg, 1-minute)
ATG Alternating Split Squats (Knee-Hab)
Bridge (Hold for 3 seconds per rep) (Advanced: Single-leg)
Hip strength (Hip)
Side-Lying Medial Glute Raise (Hold for 3 seconds up top)
Side-Lying Adductor Raise (Hold for 3 seconds up top)
L-Sit Hip Flexor Raise OR Front Hip-Flexor Raise (lie on belly) [3 second hold]
Pancake Stretch (Groin)
If you have bands: Lateral Slides w/ Bands
Core Strength
It's tough to do planks on hard surfaces, so players can try doing them with open hands instead of their elbows.
Plank (10-second hold, then relax 2 seconds)
Left-side Plank (10-second hold, then relax 2 seconds)
Right-side Plank (10-second hold, then relax 2 seconds)
Hollow Hold
Flutter Kicks
Explosive Work
Large Space Available
Left Leg-Swings (30 seconds front, 30 seconds sideways)
Right Leg-Swings (30 seconds front, 30 seconds sideways)
Long/Broad Jumps across court
Sprint Build-Up
Lateral 1-foot hops (alternating 1 width at at a time)
Ice Skaters (1-ft landing)
Zig Zag Tuck Jumps (2-ft landing)
Small Space Available
Left Leg-Swings (30 seconds front, 30 seconds sideways)
Right Leg-Swings (30 seconds front, 30 seconds sideways)
Squat Jumps (30 seconds) + Broad Jumps (30 seconds)
Scissor Jumps (Lunge Jumps)
Ice Skater & Hold
Long/Broad Jumps