Improve shooting by staring at others

How "Staring" Can Help You Improve Your Skills

Did you know you can become better at a skill just by watching others perform it? Watching videos of skilled performers is a proven method used in many talent hotbeds around the world—and it's easy to replicate. You can read more about this concept in Daniel Coyle's post

How to Practice "Staring"

Here’s how you can use active "staring" to improve your skills:

Here are some video suggestions to get you started:

Shooting Fundamentals:  -

NBA Shooting (turn on Slow Motion in YouTube) -

Dribbling Techniques-

Why "Staring" Works


Remember, "staring" isn’t just for shooting—it can be applied to any physical skill you want to improve. Whether it’s dribbling, footwork, or other moves, watching the same video of a skilled performer repeatedly can help you refine your technique and get better, faster.